Code Of Behaviour

Code of Acceptable Behaviour

We the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of the 9th Skewen Scout Group undertake to keep the following behaviour code during our weekly meetings and on camps and outings.

The Code is detailed below, a downloadable copy is available here
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We come along to our weekly meetings to enjoy ourselves and to have fun, understanding that we need to respect each other, our Leaders and the Laws and Promises which we have made.

  1. We will come along to our weekly meetings on time and in full correct uniform.
  2. We will join in and work as a team when necessary.
  3. We will listen to each other showing everyone respect.
  4. We will not use foul, abusive or bad language to anyone.
  5. We will not make fun of anyone else because of his or her race, religion, ability or gender.
  6. We will not bully, harass or pick on others.
  7. We will not use electronic devices, such as Mobile Phones and MP3 Players, during weekly meetings
  8. We will all be quiet and sensible during quiet times, such as flag break or when an adult is talking to us.
  9. We will not deliberately break the rules or disrupt games or activities.
  10. When playing games, we will accept the decision even if it is made against us.
  11. We will stop unacceptable behaviour immediately, especially if warned about it.

Item number 1 above, will be dealt with and recorded as an ongoing issue.  All other items will be treated as one issue and contained within each meeting.

Any parent or Young Person who does not agree with the above code, can make their views known to the Section Leader. If, after consultation with the Leader, the parent or Young Person still is not willing to sign the Acceptance slip, they will not be welcome back to the Group.

Failure to comply with any of the above code will result in the following set of sanctions being implemented.


Verbal Warnings

If the behaviour of a Young Person is considered to have fallen below the Groups’ ‘Code of Acceptable Behaviour’, a Leader will give the Young Person a verbal warning. The Young Person(s) will be told to stop whatever they are doing and warned / advised what will happen if they do not comply.

Yellow Cards

If a verbal warning is ignored, the Young Person will be issued with a Yellow Card.  The Section Leader will record the name of the Young Person. The parent/guardian of the Young Person may also be contacted. The Young Person will automatically sit out of the current activity. Depending on the incident, the sanction may involve a longer time in the ‘sin bin’ e.g. to the end of a particular game or programme activity.

Red Cards

If the Young Person commits a second Yellow Card offence on the same night, he will receive a Red Card (Following the principles of a football match).  They will not be allowed to take any further part in that evenings meeting. Parent(s) will be advised of the issue of a Red Card as soon as it is practical to do so.  Depending on the situation the Section Leader may send for the parent/guardian to collect the Young Person early


If a Young Person receives a Red Card, they will automatically be suspended from the next meeting and will not be allowed to attend any other event during that period.


Should the Young Persons behaviour not improve following the return from a Second Red Card a third red card is issued; this will result in the Young Person being PERMANENTLY EXCLUDED from the Group.

Red Cards will be recorded against the Young Persons name for a period of one academic year, i.e. September to September.